The Real BBEG…time

All things must come to an end. After 5 years and more than 260 episodes Sara and Rob are stepping away from the microphones and putting down their headsets. This episode wraps up the culmination of their efforts to bring more narrative nuance, reviews of different systems, and fresh perspectives on ttrpg topics. So listen in as they bid a fond farewell to their listeners.

From Rob and Sara:

Farewell, friends Thank you for joining us for Storyteller Conclave – a show we sincerely hope helped you run the best tabletop roleplaying game you can – whether you were a new storyteller or dungeon master learning the craft, or an experienced Storyteller looking to take your game to the next level…

I’m Sara
I’m Rob
Saying goodnight, we love you all, and may your stories be memorable for all at your tables.

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Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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Our Future Games

For the last 5 years of the show we have had a lot of game systems, themes, and stories that we have thought about running. Tonight Sara and Rob will discuss what games they are looking to run, what interests them about it, and what their challenges might be.

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
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Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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Hot Takes

This week we polled our discord for their “hot takes” on things in the TTRPG world. This could be anything from system design, acceptance of rules, homebrew, anything at all. And we were delighted by the number of responses we received. Sara and I are thrilled to go through each and everyone one, and either stand fast with you or plunge a dagger of detest in your opinions cold dead heart. After all “we have a microphone and you don’t”.

In all seriousness, we support and encourage our community opinions and ideas. Everyone’s table and storytelling style is different. So come listen to how the other half lives, plays, and their “hot takes”


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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
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Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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Table Lingo

TTRPGs often have their own lexicon of terms we need to learn to engage with the game, with terms like “THAC0” and “Benny” to describe the mechanics. The in-game world can often have unique terms as well, with “Netrunners sporting some preem chrome” instead of “Hackers with excellent cyberware” This week, Sara & Rob discuss the unique lingo tossed around at the table, and how to use it to make games more immersive, while still being accessible.

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
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Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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System Spotlight: Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy

Tonight’s show is our April System Spotlight, and it is focused on System Spotlight: Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy. This urban fantasy investigative ttrpg trusts your intellect, and has its gameplay focused on WHO your character is, with deadly realistic combat. We are also delighted to have two of the crew from its creation, Addison Goff & Ash Sanders, joining us.

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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Dessert in Storytelling

Not every session needs to be about the plot. Sometimes your characters need to see what makes life worth living, talk to other NPCs, or simply just fool around. This week, Sara and Rob will be addressing the moments in stories when players and storytellers can sit back and have some light hearted fun. Listen in as they discuss the Desserts in Storytelling.

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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Game systems that we would love to see

Special Note: This show had some audio issues, the opening is a bit different due to this. We are sorry.

After 5 years of system spotlights, Sara and Rob have seen a ton of different settings and themes for games. But this just opened the door to focused themes and ideas that they have never seen, but probably exist somewhere. This week they will talk about systems, themes, and styles that they would like to see in the TTRPG space and perhaps some mechanics that can bring them to life!

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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Is D&D Hurting the Hobby?

A frequent rant of Sara’s has been about the damage that D&D has done to the gaming community. This week, she officially drags out the soap box and takes a good long deep dive into the full negative impact that D&D5e’s popularity has done to the TTRPG community as a whole.

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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System Spotlight: Tiny D6 (Tiny Taverns)

Do you have 3 six sided dice, some 3×5 notecards, pens, and a bit of time? Well you can not only learn but also play Tiny D6! This week Rob & Sara review this minimalistic rule set that explores many different settings.

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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OSR vs Narrative

Ok, we are Storyteller Conclave not “roll the dice and consult the charts” Anonymous. But why can’t we have stories in OSR? What makes dice such an adverse reaction to narrative. This week Rob and Sara pull back their sleeves and start to discuss OSR vs Narrative.

Listen to us live, every Wednesday night at 7pm EST, at

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Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

Or find our older episodes at Https://

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