Category Archives: Storyteller Conclave

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 19 World-building pt. 2 : Societies

World-building is a huge and complicated topic. One of the most important aspects of building an interesting world is societies, and the customs, politics, religion, and sub-factions that makes up the greater whole. After all, what is a world without interesting people to live in it? This week, Rob and Sara take a stab at outlining the process of creating interesting people to live in the worlds you write.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 19 World-building pt. 2 : Societies appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 18 Handling Difficult Situations at the Table

As with any form of storytelling, tabletop roleplaying games can bring up challenging emotional situations, both in and out of character. When emotions begin to rise, it’s not always easy to handle the situation in a constructive way. This week, we are joined by special guest and licensed clinical social worker Matthew Stewart-Fulton, as we discuss the various types of difficult situations that may arise, and ways we might address them with everyone’s best interests in mind.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 18 Handling Difficult Situations at the Table appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 17 World-Building

Arguably, the most notable aspect of any role playing game is the world in which it takes place. Whether that world is a reflection of our own real world, with magic and vampires lurking in the shadows; or a magical land of dragons and floating islands, the world you build is a character in the story unto itself. But, creating these worlds from scratch is no easy matter! In fact, it may be among the most difficult tasks in the art of Storytelling. This week, Sara and Rob are discussing the basics of world-building, so you too can feel more confident in smithing your own setting from scratch!

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 17 World-Building appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 16 Playing the Long Game

Writing long, epic stories can be a daunting task. The sheer enormity of the task can overwhelm even the most seasoned storyteller. This week, Rob & Sara discuss tips and techniques for creating large plots and story arcs with complexity, while keeping your story on track!

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 16 Playing the Long Game appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 15 Writing One-Shots

One-shot games are great if you only have a short story to tell, want to dabble in a new system, or don’t have the time to run a regular recurring game. However, writing single-session games poses unique challenges from writing longer campaigns. This week, Rob and Sara discuss the art of the one-shot!

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 15 Writing One-Shots appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 14 Campaigns – The Small Bites

Writing campaigns can feel daunting. There’s so much to write, so much story to tell, and it has to be engaging for your players every step of the way. This week, we begin the task of breaking down the process of writing a campaign, address common pitfalls, and give tips for tackling that overwhelming process into small, manageable bites.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 14 Campaigns – The Small Bites appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 13 Storytelling Styles

Storytelling styles are as unique and individual as the storytellers themselves! Some of us prefer action-packed combat games, while others prefer sly political manipulation. Some like lighter gatherings with pizza and beer, while others are more serious, preferring more production value and intensity. Sometimes, this can even shift from game to game! This week, Rob and Sara discuss different storytelling styles, and their various pros and cons.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 13 Storytelling Styles appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 12 Classes, Levels, and Roleplay (oh my!)

Classes and Levels and Dice are almost synonymous with tabletop roleplaying games. This isn’t always the case, though! This week we explore the pros and cons of various gaming systems and the advancement and resolution systems therein.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 12 Classes, Levels, and Roleplay (oh my!) appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 11 Dusting Off the Books

Gaming groups come and go, life gets in the way, and sometimes this means we have to step away from the game for months or years. Dusting off the books and storytelling again after a hiatus can be intimidating! This week, we discuss what it’s like to get back behind the DM screen, and the challenges it presents.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 11 Dusting Off the Books appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 10 Managing with missing players

As storytellers we run games and focus on plot hooks, compelling story and intriguing scenes. But all of this can feel thrown out the door when someone is missing. It throws off our groove and can get quite frustrating. How do we handle when players are late very late or miss a session? And what do you do if it becomes a habit? This episode dives into managing a game when players are missing from the table.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 10 Managing with missing players appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network