Storyteller Conclave – Episode 32 Player vs Environment

The environment in a story helps set the stage, give flavor, and explain where the players are in the mind’s eye. But can it also be an antagonist? How does biting winds, pounding rain, and a rock slide change a story? This week, Rob & Sara discuss the pitfalls, slippery slopes and challenging moments weather can bring to a story.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Episode 31 Environmental Storytelling

Environmental Storytelling can be the difference between a world feeling static, and feeling alive. But what is “Environmental Storytelling”? How does one use it to bring a feeling of life to their world? This week, Rob & Sara discuss what it is, and how best to use it to change your environments from lifeless backdrops, to “real” places that exist in a living, breathing world.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Episode 30 A Story of Hope

In light of the holiday, Sara and Rob will be giving thanks and reflecting on “hopeful settings”. This week will cover not only hope and thankful moods but also Sara and Rob’s own reflections on the past 30 episodes of the podcast.

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Episode 29 Pacing

The pacing of your story can be tricky to do right. It is an important aspect of storytelling, but is difficult to quantify, which makes it likewise difficult to learn. This week, Sara & Rob will delve into the topic of pacing, to help you get your story moving at the right speed at the right time!

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Episode 28 Our Favorite Games (Patreon Submission)

This week, our topic comes from our Top Tier Patreon, Nox-in-a-Box! Nox requested that we spend some time talking about our favorite game systems, and what really speaks to us about those systems that gave them a special place in our hearts. Thanks, Nox!

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Episode 27 Handling Divination

Many game systems offer the opportunity to divine the future for both dramatic and mechanical effect. Since Storytellers are rarely granted ACTUAL glimpses of the future, however, this can make for some sticky storytelling situations! Join Sara & Rob as they discuss how to handle divination!

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Episode 26 Danse Macabre

Haunted stories of revenge or greed turned sour could fill libraries. But how do you find a middle ground between slasher and Zom Com? Why, with dread, fear, anticipation and a bit of theatrics! This week Rob and Sara disturb the topic of the darker storytelling as they step into horror.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Episode 25 Genre, Style, and Theme

Stories can be told in so many ways, and each one is unique as the Storyteller. The world-building and rules systems can certainly lend structure and direction to a story, but it’s the genre, style, and theme that truly add the flavor! This week, Rob & Sara discuss what brings that unique flavor to our stories

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

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Storyteller Conclave – Questions and Discussions

We decided to take it back to our discord today. You’ve sent us questions and had some great discussions that we never really got to. So this episode is all about that : questions and discussions.

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Questions and Discussions appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network

Storyteller Conclave – Episode 23 World-building pt. 6: History

The discussion about world-building continues this week, as we step back into the history of our world. What lore exists? What events shaped its creation? Sara and Rob discuss the broad topics, as well as tips and guidelines for making your maps feel organic and lifelike, while not getting bogged down in the details.

We also take some time to answer a few listener questions from our Discord server!

We record every Wednesday, at 7pm Eastern. Listen live at, Studio 4!

Find us on Twitter (@st_conclave) – Instagram (st_conclave)
Support the show by joining our Patreon :

Please join us on Discord, to submit questions for the show, chat with Rob, Sara, and other Storytellers, and read over the detailed show-notes for more information and links to stuff we may not have been able to detail during the show! Discord :

The post Storyteller Conclave – Episode 23 World-building pt. 6: History appeared first on – The Podcast Detroit Network